Taxonomy: Class Blastocystea
Animal: Blastocystis hominis 2 07.jpg
Sites: Gut
Blastocystis hominis abnormal cyst. Large numbers of this unusual form were seen in the faeces of a patient with acute severe gastroenteritis. Symptoms resolved in 12 days without treatment and no cysts, erythrocytes or leucocytes were present in the faeces on discharge. These cysts were 5 or 6 microns wide, mostly multi-nuclei with elliptical band of condensed chromatin containing a small dense spot and large amounts of glycogen. (EM by Deb Stenzel). see EM of these cysts in slides 6 15 - 6 24. (Compare the appearance of these with those of the more usually encountered cysts in 1 10a, 1 13a, 8 09, 8 10, 8 11, and in 8 02, 8 04 and 8 05)

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